STEM Spaghetti Towers

CI Hayne teaches STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) to cadets through spaghetti towers. On the 21st June, our parade night included us building towers using spaghetti, marshmallows and jelly […]

CI Hayne teaches STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) to cadets through spaghetti towers.

On the 21st June, our parade night included us building towers using spaghetti, marshmallows and jelly babies as a test of our learning. Civilian Instructor (CI) Hayne started the night with a briefing on what we would be doing in the evening. We had an intriguing lesson on simple structural engineering, teaching us how to create a successful foundation and the strongest shapes.

After this, we got to split up in different groups and actually try to make a tower which could withstand the weight of an egg. Each team came up with unique and daring ideas to win the challenge, fortunately, many actually able to pass the task. However, there could only be one winner…

The winner was Corporal Bumsteads team!

Finally a massive thank you to CI Hayne for this parade night and congratulations to all the groups that were successful.