Friday 21st July saw the six teams from Kent Wing RAF Air Cadets successfully complete the 101st Nijmegen Vierdaagse Marches.

The four-day event is an annual 160km walk that has taken place since 1909; being based at Nijmegen since 1916. It is now the world’s largest walking event. 2017 saw 50,000 walkers take to the roads with an estimated 2 million spectators cheering them on. The 79 Cadets, representing Squadrons from across Kent, ranged in age from 13 to 18 years old. The six teams comprised one Cadet Military Team and five teams walking in the Civilian Contingent.
Cadets and Staff have trained every month since January in preparation for the endurance event, walking in excess of 260 miles over a six-month period. Each team was led, motivated and supported by two members of the volunteer staff team.

A number of the Cadets have been busy raising money for great causes; Help for Heroes, Diabetes UK, Pilgrims Hospices and several other charities are set to benefit.
This year’s challenge was particularly gruelling as the Teams not only faced early starts in the dark, and 40km a day, but also blistering heat and relentless sunshine, plus two magnificent thunder storms.
The Teams from Kent Air Cadets were led by Flight Lieutenant Chris Tate (OIC Nijmegen Training for Kent Wing), who said:
“The Nijmegen Marches are the largest walking event in the world; 100 miles being covered over four consecutive days. It is one of the hardest, physical and mentally challenging events that Cadets or Adults will face in their lifetime.
In addition, the response from the crowds to the all of the Kent Teams whilst out on the road was superb, and this was reflected in the comments and accolades they received from their fellow marchers of all nationalities, be they military or civilian.”
To top a magnificent week, the Kent Wing Military Team was awarded the Jon Ford Trophy; for the second year in a row; for the best Air Cadet Team in the British Military Contingent.

Flight Lieutenant Tate commented:
“Kent Air Cadets, within the British Military Contingent, represented the country in the Opening Ceremony and in the Final March Past, down the Via Gladiola; and won the best Cadet Team.
Our Teams within the Civilian Contingent were honoured to be chosen by the March Organisers as a group of special interest. The only group from the UK who was given this status.
To say I am hugely proud to have led them, would be a total understatement. The Cadets and Staff, all 97 of them, who participated in the 2017 Marches are not only a credit to themselves, but also to the country.
Fantastic, absolutely fantastic. The teams were, in their own words “awesome”; a credit to themselves, the Wing and the Corps.”