The City of London, with its ceremony and traditions, was the destination for cadets and staff of 2433 (Ramsgate and Manston) Squadron, RAF Air Cadets, on Friday 1st July.

The Sqn were recently granted the honour of affiliation with the Worshipful Company of Firefighters (WCoFF) and were invited to attend their Common Hall ceremony as the Sqns first public duty following the affiliation. This annual event is where the incoming Master and Officers of the Company are elected and sworn in and the ceremony is steeped in tradition as the chain of office and robe is passed from retiring Master to New. The Chain of Office must also be weighed to ensure it is of “good weight” and is then placed on the shoulders of the new Master. The ceremony took place at Insurance Hall, Aldermanbury, the home of the WCoFF and saw retiring Master Mr Ron Murray, hand over to the new Master Mr Bruce Hoad. This was a particularly poignant event as 2016 is the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London and the 150th anniversary of the formation of the London Fire Brigade. A moment of silence was held to mark the Centenary of the first day of the Battle of the Somme.
Cadets and staff provided a Guard of Honour for the Master and Officers and then, following Common Hall, escorted the assembled Company through the streets of The City to the church of St. Mary-le-Bow for the service of re-dedication. The service was taken by the Chaplain to the Company, the Reverend George Bush who, by coincidence, hails from Broadstairs and attended Chatham house School. It was a moving service with the new Master, Liverymen and Freemen all re-taking their oaths.
Cadets and staff agreed that it had been a great day for both the Sqn and WCoFF. 2433 Sqn Officer Commanding Flight Lieutenant Geoff Hobbs-East RAFVR(T) said “This was our first duty for the Firefighters Company and we were honoured to be invited to support the retiring and incoming Master and Company. We look forward to the year ahead and supporting the Company further in The City and also welcoming them to our headquarters at Manston.